Раскройте скобки употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.
1.He (to Work) in the Centre of Chicago?
2.They (to read) Many Books.
3. they (not to read) Many Books
4.the children (to eat) soup Now?
5. You (to play) volleyball well?
6. What Nick (to do) in the evening?
7. We (not to Dance) Every Day
8.Kate (to sing) well?
9.He (not to sleep) After dinner.
10.When you (to sleep)?
11.where Josh (to live?)- he (to live) in England .
12.She Only (not to speak) italian


Ответ дал: aselka66

1) is working

2)are read

3)don’t read


5)Are you play

Остальное я не знаю

Вас заинтересует