1. Yes, the puppy caused his master a lot of trouble. (General) 2. Yes, they were fond of the dog, too. (Disjunctive) 3. The dog was a smoky grey. (What colour...?)это продолжение того что на фото.

Здесь нужно сделать вопрос, в скобках сказано какой,



Ответ дал: chikipiki
1.Did the puppy cause his master a lot of trouble?
2.Were they fond of the dog?
3.What colour was the dog?
4.Why wasn't she Alsatian?
5.How many friends has the narrator made a few or very few?
6.When did her master return to Observatory?
7.Was he able to take her with him?

Аноним: А это где?
chikipiki: в 4 микрорайоне
Аноним: Понятно))
Аноним: А я учусь в школе 244
chikipiki: понятно
chikipiki: ладно, извини, я должна идти
chikipiki: пока
Аноним: пока!
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