Раскрой скобки ,употребляя глаголы во времени Present Indefinite.1.Sarah(to sing)__________well.2.David often (to bring) __________good books.3.Lara (not to study) __________in the college.4.We never (to travel)___________ by plane.5.Erica (to know)______ how to ski?6.No,but she (to skate)____________ well.7.Eva (to practise)___________ English every day. пж помогите срочно нужно надо.


Ответ дал: helpe32r
1. Sarah sings well. 2. David often brings good books. 3. Lara doesn't study in the college. 4. We never travel by plane. 5. Does Erica know how to ski? 6. No, but she skates well. 7. Eva practises English every day.
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