Поставить в Present simple или Present Countinuous
1) I .....(not/like) getting up in the morning
2) My brother and I ... (have) to get up quite early to get to school on time
3) Our father....(sometimes/drive) us, but on other days we ...(get) the school bus
4) We almost ....(never/get) to the bus stop on time and the bus...(always/wait) when we .........(turn) the corner
5)The bus driver .........(tell) us to hurry up and we..........(jump) on the bus
6) We .......(not/go) to school next Monday because it's a holiday
7) Instead all the people from my class........(meet) in the mountains for picnic.
8) I.........(make) a chocolate cake, my friend Joanna......(bring) meat and bread


Ответ дал: ан123321
  1. I don't like getting up in the morning.
  2. My brother and I have to get up quite early to get to school on time.
  3. Our father sometimes drives us, but on other days we get the school bus.
  4. We almost never get to the bus stop on time and the bus always waits when we are turning the corner.
  5. The bus driver tells us to hurry up and we jump on the bus.
  6. We aren't going to school next Monday because it's a holiday.
  7. Instead all the people from my class meeting in the mountains for picnic.
  8. I am making a chocolate cake, my friend Joanna is bringing meat and bread.
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