Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.
1.Bob says: "I am glad to be back to shool. I will see my friends every day."
2. Marry says:" I am looking forward to school. I will get a lot of infomation."
3. Petter"Oh no. I'm not glad to be back to school. I'll have to do my homework."
4. Helen:"I'm nervous because I have a new teacher in Literature."
5. Sam: " I'm sure I'll be good at English."


Ответ дал: superhelper777

1.Bob says that he is glad to be back to school. He will see his friends every day.

2. Marry says that she is looking forward to school. She will get a lot of information.

3. Peter says that he is not glad to be back to school. he'll have to do his homework.

4. Helen says that  she is  nervous because she  has a new teacher in Literature.

5. Sam says that  surely he’ll be good at English.

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