Закончите предложения используя -selves или each other.
1. If people work too hard, they can make ...ill.
2. I love you and you love me. We love ...
3. In our family we often give ...presents at Christmas.
4. Some people are very selfish. They only think of ...
5. We don't see very often these days.
6. They've had a quarrel. Theu're not speaking to ...at the moment.
7. We'd never met before, soo we introduced to ...


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

1 themselves

2 each other

3 each other

4 themselves

5 each other

6 each other

7 each other

gosha234236536: А это точно правильные?
girl8696: я делала с учительницей. вроде как правильно
gosha234236536: Хорошо, спасибо)
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