Помогите с инглишом, перевод не нужно, главное время правильно выбрать



Ответ дал: unusuallikeyo

1 )What do you think about Sue?

2) I do not like her. She always lies to people.

3) We will go to the cinema later today.

4) Do you want to come?

5) Sure it sounds like a good idea.

6) Let's go for a walk. - Sorry I can not. I have not finish my homework yet.

7) The train is was so late today. - Really? how long did you wait?

8) Ann just finished an essay on Hamlet and she feels really tired.

9) They flied to Paris at 8 o'clock this evening.

10) We will have a garden party on Sunday afternoon.

11) My sister is preparing for her exams these days.

12) Are you cleaning the room now?

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