Choose the correct word

1Marry is hometown/homesick when she misses home.
2There is a high rate of unemployment/living in villages.
3They don’t like the peace/landscapes and quiet in this countryside.
4Max is installing/ inventing outside lights in this garden.
5Parents want to check / rent a DVD tonight.
6The supermarkets are close/easy at hand in this city.
7She misses people from her hometown/homework.
8My brother likes walking/surfing the Net.
9Ann doesn’t like visiting/hanging out at the shopping centre.
10Granny is doing/making the gardening.


Ответ дал: ninnnooo
1 homesick
3 landscapes
4 installing
5 rent
6 easy
7 hometown
8 surfing
9 visiting
10 doing

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Ответ дал: nunny

1 Marry is homesick when she misses home.

2 There is a high rate of unemployment in villages.

3 They don’t like the peace and quiet in this countryside.

4 Max is installing outside lights in this garden.

5 Parents want to rent a DVD tonight.

6 The supermarkets are close at hand in this city.

7 She misses people from her hometown.

8 My brother likes surfing the Net.

9 Ann doesn’t like hanging out at the shopping centre.

10 Granny is doing the gardening.

nunny: Это верные ответы.
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