complete the dialogue between you and nick, a member of the International Explorers' Club

Russian your name Russia Nick easy

Nick: Hello! Glad to see you! Welcome to our Explorersite' Club! I'm Nick. What's _____?
You: Hello, _____! I'm _____.
Nick: You're from _____, aren't you?
You: Yes, you're right! How did you know?
Nick: Oh, that's _____. I have a pen friend from Russia. Sometimes she writes to me about her friends. So I know some _____ names.


Ответ дал: ketum2211337
Nick: Hello! Glad to see you! Welcome to our Explorersite' Club! I'm Nick. What's your name?
You: Hello, Nick! I'm Matthew.
Nick: You're from Russia, aren't you?
You: Yes, you're right! How did you know?
Nick: Oh, that's easy. I have a pen friend from Russia. Sometimes she writes to me about her friends. So I know some Russia's names.

не могу давать 100% точность, что я написал все правильно, но всё же, мне кажется, что я написал более менее правильно.

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