1. I . . . (not/like) cooking, but I . (love) eating. 2. Why ...(you/cry)? Have you hurt yourself? 3. Something . . (smell) good. What 4. In autumn the leaves (fall) from the trees. 5. Gary. ....: ....(not/be) to work since Monday. . ( you/cook)? 6. How many times ........(you/be) to the cinema this year? I went twice in January, but I... ....(not/be) since then. 7. Look at that! Someone. (leave) the fridge door open again! It wasn't 8. I me. I. ...(not/be) in the kitchen for hours. ..(just/read) your composition. It's very good. How much time did you spend writing it? 9. You. (work) very hard recently. I'm surprised the boss did not give you a pay rise when you asked him. 10. Oh no! I think I.... (break) Mum's stereo. 11. Sally is very clever. She (speak) five languages. 12. I don't understand those people. What language .(they/speak)?


Ответ дал: emma0707
1 I dont like cooking but I love eating.2 Why are you crying
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