put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or co tinuous



Ответ дал: Raffine

1. Why is Billy being so naughty? (P. Continuous, не всегда, а только в данный момент) - He is tired (P. Simple, описывает состояние)

2. Why are you tasting the soup? (PC) - I think it tastes a bit funny (PS)

3. It looks like their car has broken down again (PS, устойчивая форма) - They are looking for a new one at the moment (PC, процесс + at the moment - фраза-моячок продолжительности действия)

4. What do you think of Ann? (PS, что ты думаешь о ней вообще?) - I’m thinking of inviting her to my party (PC, подумываю пригласить ее).

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