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1 In early times people (to begin) to domesticate wild animals. 2 This
farmer (to buy) new dairy cattle this year. 3 I think the farm (to increase)
the yields of crops next year. 4 The scientists from our laboratory (to
present) interesting reports at the conference recently. 5 Last year the
farmers (not/to rely) on feeds from pastures and (to grow) additional
crops for their livestock. 6 Such a ruminant animal as the cow (to convert)
large quantities of different grasses into milk which (to be) a valuable product. 7 As our farm agronomist (to recommend), we (to spread)
manure on this field now. 8 The company (to replace) its old machines
for dairy production in two months, I believe. 9 People (to keep)
domesticated animals either in special houses or on pastures. 10 The
production of dairy products constantly (to increase) in Russia at


Ответ дал: uber75
1. began
2. has bought
3. will increase
4. have presented
5. didn't rely/grew
6. converts/is
7. has recommended/are spreading
8. will replace
9. keep
10. are increasing
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