Task II: Complete the sentences using correct preposition:

When my mum bought me this costume I was so proud __ it.
of; b) to; c) with
Stella is going to arrange a party __ these weekends.
in; b) on; c) at
My teacher was very rude __ me and I cried.
to; b) with; c) on
My mother asked me to take care __ my younger sister.
of; b) with; c) for
She makes me laugh __her jokes.
with; b) on; c) at
This pen belongs __ me.
with; b) at; c) to
She is going __ the sea.
to; b) at; c) in
Don’t seat __ this chair, it’s broken.
to; b) on; c) at


Ответ дал: yakupovarty
1) А

jokerwhiteking: Cпасибо большое))))))
yakupovarty: Не за что)
jokerwhiteking: есть свободная минутка, помочь с еще одним заданием?
yakupovarty: Смотря с каким, я не во всех силён)
jokerwhiteking: Task III: Choose the right sentences in Passive Voice with the same mining as it is given in Active Voice.

1.Parents take care of their children.
Children are taken care of their parents;
Parents are taken care of their children.
2.Students use computers during IT lesson.
Computers are used by students during IT lesson;
IT lesson is used by computers during students.
yakupovarty: Passive voice я не помню, но в первом вроде бы 2(или 1) а во втором 2
yakupovarty: Я тебя тоже попрошу, можешь сделать мой ответ лучшим?)
jokerwhiteking: а как
yakupovarty: Ладно, не надо, я сам узнал что это можно сделать только когда двое и больше отвечали. Удачи тебе)
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