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Look at the picture and fill in there is/isn't there are/aren't and some/any.

1:(There isn't) a washing machine in the kitchen, but .................a fridge.

2:.............. a cooker in the kitchen, but....................a microwave oven.

3:...............chairs in the kitchen,but..............cupboards.

4:.................flowers in the kithen, but...................a plant.

5:..................food on the table.

6:..................people in the kitchen.

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Ответ дал: sfrgvf

1. There isn't a washing machine in the kitchen, but ...there is..a fridge.

2:..There isn't a cooker in the kitchen, but..there is..a microwave oven.

3:..there aren't  any chairs in the kitchen,but.... there are some cupboards.

4:..there aren't  any .....flowers in the kithen, but.... there is..a plant.

5:...There is some .food on the table.

6:.......There are some..people in the kitchen.

Neik2006: Thank you very much
sfrgvf: You are wellcome
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