помагите пожалуйста
Put the verbs into the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1 She ……………………..(cook) dinner at the moment.

2 We ………………………(visit) our parents this weekend.

3 The lesson ……………………(start) at 9 a.m.

4 Look! The boy ………………………(ride) a bicycle.

5 Jane ………………………( not/ watch) TV in the evenings. She ……………….( enjoy) reading.

6 What time …………………….(the train/ leave) ?

7 Be quiet! You ……………………..(always/ chat) on the lesson!

8 My father ……………………..(take) me after school every day.

9 ………………………(you/ do) homework right now?

10 I ………………………(not/ like) pop music.

11 Dan …………………..( meet) a dentist this Monday.

12 He never ……………….( go) shopping.

Fill in: a)How much is it? b) Two tickets, please. c) Which line do I take? d)Return.
A: Next, please.

B: …………………………………………………………………………1

A: Single or return?

B: …………………………………………………………………………2

A: Where to?

B: To Hyde Park. ……………………………………………………3

A: Take the Circle line.

B: Thanks a lot .……………………………………………...........4

A: That’s £6.00.

B: Here you are.

orudzheva05: дам 29 балов


Ответ дал: said200947
1.she is cooking dinner at the moment
Ответ дал: svetponomareva

1. is cooking

2.are visiting


4.is riding

5. doesn't watch /  enjoys

6. does the train leave

7.  are always chatting

8. takes

9. Are you doing

10. don't like

11. is meeting

12.  goes

Далее  фразы по порядку - как они в тексте:

b) d) c) a)

orudzheva05: спасибо большое
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