Употребите глаголы в правильной временной форме.
1. Mary didnt want to go to the cinema as she already (see) the film.
2. When they came to their summer cottage, they (see) that mother (plant) 20 roses.
3. The tourists got out of breath after they ( climb) the mountain for a long time.
4. The family ( look for) a house for a long time by the time they (find) one they wanted.
5. By the time the bell (ring) the students (translate) most part of the article.
6. The flight was delayed. By the time it was ready to leave the passengers (wait) at the airport for 2 hours.
7. They (not watch) the TV programme as it (finish) by the time they came home.
8. She was angry. Somebody (pick) her beautiful flowers. (2 alternatives)
9. The boys (look) forward to camping for weeks when finally it was time to go.
10. The house looked shabby. The owner (not redecorate) it for a very long time.
Помогите, пожалуйста!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ответ дал: ada85
1) saw 2) saw , plant 3) climbed 4) looked for, found 5)rang, translated 6) waited 7) finished 8) picked 9) looked 10) not redecorated
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