№1 Вставьте There is или There are. ______________________ a girl in the room. ______________________ biscuits on the table. ______________________carrots in the fridge. ______________________some salt in the plate. №2. Вставьте am, is, are, was или were. He ______ a pupil last year. I ______ a clever boy. You _______ very nice girls. She _______ beautiful. They _________ in Paris last week. №3. Вставьте do, does, don`t или doesn`t. ________ you sing English songs? ________ the teacher work there? I ______________like tennis. He ______________ go to the swimming pool every day. №4. Present Simple or Present Continuous? Catherine (to play) ______________ football every Monday. (понедельник) They _______________ (to watch) TV at the moment. He ____________________ (to play) with the toy. I _____________( to go) to school every day. She _______________________ (to read) the book now. №5. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени у прилагательных. Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная Hot Good Beautiful


Ответ дал: lesya6894
1 There is
2There are
3 There are
4There is
Номер 2

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