Рассказ о разговоре с иностранцам

nastyakashleva: может быть диалог надо составить с иностранцем?
serovdaniel14: Да


Ответ дал: nastyakashleva
The dialog between pen friends
- Hello Jack, how are you?
- Good morning Peter, nice to meet you. I'm fine, and you?
- Oh, it's OK. Yesterday I came to Russia from America, I would like to visit all sights of your big country. What can you advise me?
- At first of course it's Kremlin and St.Basil's Cathedral. They are situated in Red Square in Moscow. Of course you can visit our Winter Place in St Petersburg. It's a great museum.
- This is a good idea, thank you! I try to visit all this places. Good Bye!
- Good luck! Bye!
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