don't be in hurry.the bus _(arrive )in an hour.
l think you should revise more , you _(make ) a lot of mistakes recently.
The singer _(sing) the last song when l left the concert .


Ответ дал: LerO4ka97
arrives, have made, was singing

please3344: здраствуйте можете помочь по английскому
LerO4ka97: здравствуйте, что именно?)
Ответ дал: nunny

Don't be in hurry. The bus arrives in an hour.

l think you should revise more. You have been making a lot of mistakes recently.

The singer was singing the last song when l left the concert .

please3344: здраствуйте можете помочь с английским
LerO4ka97: что именно?
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