Past simple или past continuous? Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильную форму. 1. Mr and Mrs Smith (fly) to Italy yesterday. 2. Nothing happened when I (switch on) the computer. 3. Joe (run) into the room while I (study). 4. It (begin) to snow while we (play) football. 5. He (walk) into the kitchen and (sit) down. 6. It (start) to rain while I (walk) to the park. 7. Yuki (listen) to the radio when the phone (ring). 8. The children (go) the cinema last night. 9. Mr. Jones (find) some money when he (clean) the cupboards. 10. Chris (eat) spaghetti every day last week. 11. While I (do) my homework, I (have) a good idea. 12. When the dog (bite) Laura's leg, she (scream). 13. We (eat) some sandwiches and then (drink) some Cola 14. I (see) Sally yesterday. She (wait) for the bus. 15. We (play) golf when it (start) to rain.


Ответ дал: MarinaŞkurak
1. flew
2. was switching on
3. ran, was studying
4. began, were playing
5. walked, sat
6. started, was walking
7. was listening, rang
8. went
9. found, was cleaning
10. was eating
11. was doing, had
12. bite, was screaming
13. ate, drunk
14. saw, was waiting
15. were playing, started

volklala: Почему у вас во втором continuous?
MarinaŞkurak: Просто я перевела: ничего не случилось когда я включал компьютер.
volklala: В 12 я бы поставил bit и screamed, не вижу там длительного события
MarinaŞkurak: Все зависит от контекста)
volklala: Скорее включИл, мне кажется....
MarinaŞkurak: А в 12 я тоже сомневалась)
volklala: Я перевел как "собака кусала", но фиг ее знает)) может укусила
MarinaŞkurak: Ну это уже пусть автор вопроса решает по своей логике)
volklala: Иногда даже учитель не может точно сказать, у меня так бывало :D
MarinaŞkurak: Ито правда))
Ответ дал: volklala

1. flied 2. switched on 3. ran, was studying 4. began, were playing 5. walked, sat 6. started, was walking 7. was listening, rang 8. went 9. found, was cleaning 10. was eating 11. was doing, had 12. was biting, screamed 13. ate, drank 14. saw, was waiting 15. were playing, started

volklala: Ну да, в первом flew :D подзабыл
MarinaŞkurak: ;)
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