Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of tell and the words in the box :a lie, a joke, a secret, the truth, off, the difference.
1. My friend told me a joke yesterday-it was very funny, but now I can't remember it !
2.One day when I was ittle,I .... my parents .... and they were very angry.
3. Can you .... betwen an American accent and a British accent?
4 My teacher was so angry with me. She really ... me ... .
5 He says he's won medals for tennis, but I don't think he's ... .
6 I'm going to ... you ... .Do you promise not tell anyone else?



Ответ дал: remiii

2 told my parents a lie

3 tell the difference

4 told me off

5 told the truth

6 tell you a secret

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