12. How many books you (to read) this week? 13.1 (to be) at the theatre five or six times last month. 14.1 (to reply) to his letter today.
Упражнение 42. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­ голы в Present Indefinite или в Present Perfect.
1.They (lose) their way.
2.The old woman (fall) as she was crossing the street.
3.1 (speak) to him about it over and over again. 4.1 (speak) to him about it yesterday.
5.He (be) in Vienna several times.
6.We (have) a bad storm the day before yesterday.
7.The Browns are not a home. I believe they just (leave).
8.Up to the present time I never (visit) this mu­ seum.
9.You never (be) to Paris? No, I never (be) there.
10.(Be) you in Paris last spring? Yes, I (be) there in
11.The other day I (meet) our mutual friend Henry, and he (tell) me about your marriage.
12.She is very ill, she (not be) here for two weeks.
13.They (live) here for the last seven years.
14.The doctor (come). He is waiting for you in the next room.
Не перевод!!!!


Ответ дал: alyonaaa26
12. Read
13.1 Are
14.1 Reply
1. Lose
2. Falls
3.1 Speaks
5. Is
6. Have
7. Leaves
8. Visit
9. Is
10. Are
11. Meet
12. Is not
13. Live
14. Comes
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