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Ответ дал: saqwe

Gerry likes to catch scorpions. He knows that he can find them in the garden. Once he saw one scorpion hiding under the bush. He grabbed it and put in a small wooden box. At home Gerry's brother Larry wanted to see small Scorpion. As soon as Garry oped the box, the scorpion jumped out and landed on Larry. Scorpio got scared of boys and started climbing Larry's hand trying to escape. But Larry got scared even more and began crying. The scorpion jumped off Larry and hided under the carpet. Gerry was trying to catch him, but scorpion crawled behind the sofa. It took boys some time to catch the animal. When they finally got the scorpion, they let him out so he would not die.  

danochka185: можете еще одно?)
saqwe: Davaj
saqwe: eshe odno zadanie?
danochka185: да
saqwe: Давай ссылку
danochka185: сейчас скину ссылку, если не против
saqwe: Давай
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danochka185: помогитееееееееееееееееееееееее
danochka185: решите плизззззззз
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