Сделай пожалуйста срочно надо!!
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Ответ дал: anxstezia
1. I’m reading a newspaper
2. He isn’t writing a test
3. We aren’t working at office today
4. Are you reading or watching a TV?
5. The child is sleeping in the room
6. Are they playing in football on the stadium?
7. Kate is playing piano, she isn’t singing
8. Don’t touch a cat, she’s eating
9. Be quite, my little sister is sleeping
10. Is mom cooking dinner alone?
11. Is your granny drinking tea on the veranda?
12. I’m not sleeping, i’m listening to music
13. Pupils are doing gymnastics on the stadium
14. We aren’t swimming in the river, water is cold
15. i’m walking in the park and feeding birds
16. What are you doing now? — I’m helping my father to painting the fence
17. Are you going at school? No, we are going to sport club
18. What’s bring this boys? — Football ball
19. It is photo of my friends, Tom is playing on the guitar and Jane is singing
20. And here we are dancing on my birthday

1. goes
2. is knocking
3. wash
4. is washing
5. is, sits, don’t know, is sitting
6. is sleeping
7. are laughing
8. works
9. is, snows
10. are smoking
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