Put the verbs into the correct form (will, going to, simple present or present progressive).
1. I _______ my sister in April. (to see)
2. Look at the clouds - it _______ in a few minutes. (to rain)
3. Listen! There's someone at the door. I _______ the door for you. (to open)
4. Are you sure they _______ the match? (to win)
5. She probably _______ till Thursday. (to stay)
6. I _______ dinner before mother _______ home. (not to have, to come)
7. He _______ tomorrow. (not to leave)
8. We think he _______ home late in the night. (to come)
9. _______ you him for help? (to ask)
10. I think he _______ her name. (to find out)


Ответ дал: savelkinaanna28
1.i am going to see
2.it will rain
3.i will open the door
4.they win
5.will stay
6.i will not have dinner before mother comes home
7.he isn't going to leave
8.he will come
9.are you going to ask
10.he finds out her name
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