Напишите правильное время глаголов (желательное с пояснениями)

1. They ……… (get) a reward if they ……… (pass) their exams.

2. If it ……… (rain), I ……… (not go) to the beach.

3. If you ……… (go) to Italy, you ……… (have) a good holiday.

4. He …… (spend) the money on stupid things if I …… (give) him any.

5. If planes …. (fly) very fast over towns, they …. (create) noise problems.

6. If there ……… (be) too many cars, they ……… (get) stuck in the town.

7. If you ……… (eat) the wrong things, you ……… (get) very fat.

8. If you ……… (eat) the wrong things, you ……… (get) ill.

9. The teacher ……… (get) angry if you ……… (make) a lot of mistakes.

10. If your party …… (go) on all right, the neighbours …… (call) the police.

11. If the publicity …… (be) good, a lot of people …. (come) to the concert.

12. I ……… (go) to India if I ……… (have) enough money.

13. If it …… (be) a nice place, I …… (go) there every year for holidays.

14. If I ……… (be) you, I ……… (study) much harder for the exams.

15. I ……… (need) to buy a new computer if I ……… (get) a new job.

16. They ……… (stay) at a better hotel if they ……… (pay) more money.

17. If it ……… (rain), the game ……… (be cancelled).

18. I ……… (go) to the moon if it ……… (be) possible


Ответ дал: kysik17

1. Will get, if they pass

2 if it rains, I won't go to the Beach.

3. If You go, you'll have a

4. He'll spend, if I give him

5 Will fly fast, Will creATE

6 is , they will get

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