ответить на вопросы по английски,пожалуйста побыстрее)))



Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1) An ideal English lesson is when a teacher speaks as much English as possible, and students/pupils can practise speaking, reading and writing in English. It's also great to have some fun in class. Lessons should never be boring!

2) I like a tradition of having a New Year party with costumes and school leavers' reunion (вечер встречи выпускников).

3) I don't like to be at the blackboard because I'm shy and I'm afraid of making mistakes and looking silly.

4) I can ask my teacher a question if I don't understand something.

5) I like that our school teachers are strict but kind, most of them have a great sense of humour. I dislike their impatience and hot temper.

6) If I don't understand something I am asked about I  usually tell the truth, because it is much better than to talk nonsense.

7) It's embarrassing to leave homework at home, not to do homework, to tell lies to teachers and friends.

8) A stressful situation at school is having to write a test or take an exam if you aren't ready well enough.

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