2. Change the sentences to questions and negatives.
1. I’m hungry. – Are you hungry? / I’m not hungry.
2. Joe and Jill have a brand new car .
3. This man in the photo is my brother.
4. That house has a big garden with a lot of flowers.
5. Bob and Ann are dancers, so they are usually in the club at night.
6. I have a lot of bottles of perfume on my dressing table.
7. These vases have beautiful flowers.



Ответ дал: anxstezia

2. Do Joe and Jill have a new brand car? / Joe and Jill don't have a brand new car;

3. Who is this man on the photo? / This man in the photo isn't my brother;

4. Does that house has a big garden with a lot of flowers? / That house hasn't a big garden with a lot of flowers;

5. Are Bob and Ann dancers? / Bob and Ann aren't dancers;

6. Do you have a lot of bottles of perfume on your dressing table? / I don't have a lot of bottles of perfume on my dressing table;

7. Do these vases have beautiful flowers? / These vases don't have beautiful flowers

ilyaproselkov: спасибо, сможешь помочь ? ( https://znanija.com/task/29784805 )
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