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McDiffildBro: Спасибо


Ответ дал: helperinenglish

Dear Ben!

I am also very glad that I will come to New York and see this great city. I am very glad to see you in Moscow.

In New York I want to visit the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Central Park and other popular tourist destinations or may be not popular but nevertheless very interesting places. In Moscow you can visit  the Kremlin, St.Basil’s Cathedral, Lenin’s Mausoleum,State historical museum, Tretyakov gallery, Ostankino TV tower, parks and other interesting places. I will tell you about all these places. In August it  will be warm or hot in Moscow. You should take sunglasses, a hat, and light clothes.  

I am sure we’ll have great time together. I look forward to seeing you.

Your friend,


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