Срочно! Английский 7 класс


ScreaMmy26: Можно показать задание?
Аноним: 1. Match the pairs of words to them in the sentences below make “F word combinations. Then use them in the sentences below.

•good  •teachlng  •private  •chosen  •booking •scientific •staff •educatton  •magazme •career  •knowledge •office

1. She did everything possible to get good results in ...
2. In this ... discoveries in science ... you can find different articies about the latest
3. Two centuries ago ... was very popular in Russia, children from rich families got education at home.


Ответ дал: Aliya1430

4. teaching, knowledge

5. office

Ответ дал: sapper621

I chose my school because of the excellent teachers here who can give me knowledge in all the subjects

Я выбрал свою школу из-за отличного учителя, который может дать мне знания по всем предметам

We are going to ticket  office to by tickets for the train

Мы отправляемся в билетную кассу на билеты на поезд

Аноним: спасибо
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