Помогите пожалуйста! Дам сколько хотите баллов!!!



Ответ дал: parljukljuba

1 plays

2 what are you doing now? I am listening to music now I always do it after school.

3 Look! My puppy is playing with its tail! Yesterday it played with its tail.

4 it was my birthday yesterday. I had a party and invited some of my friends to come.

5 when do you usually come home from school? When did you come from school yesterday?

Ответ дал: julijagrigoruk
1. plays
2. what are you doing now? I am listening to music now I always do it after school.
3. Look! My puppy is playing with its tail! Yesterday it played with its tail.
4. It was my birthday yesterday. I had a party and invited some of my friends to come.
5. When do you usually come home from school? When did you come home from school yesterday?
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