Нужно из эти предложений составить отрицательные предложения.

makryginaa: On Friday i ride a horse at the horse riding school.
makryginaa: Its my favorite Bobby.
makryginaa: 3. I like taking photos of horse.
makryginaa: 4. In my spare time I sometimes listen to music or go to the library.
makryginaa: 5. Best of all I like reading books about horses.
jeks200: 1. On friday i don't ride a horse at the horse ridding school
2. it's not my favorite Bobby
3. I don't like taking photos of horse
4. in my spare time I don't listen to music or gio to the library.
5. Worse of all i like reading books about horses


Ответ дал: milan1118
я не как не смогу помочь без прнедлодения
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