Put the verb into Present Simple, Present Continios, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continious. Make negative and interrogative sentences.
To work
1. Vicky ... in an Italian restaurant
2.I ... only for 3 days this week
3.The radio ... now
4.We ... in the garden since morning
to cook
5.I ... roast chicken for 2 hours
6.Mum ... lunch at the moment.
7.He already ... seafood pasta
8.We ... Japanese food at weekends
To read
9.Bob ... this book since last year
10. I usually... detective comics
11. Dad ... al the new newspapers today
12. She ... a fairy-tail to her son now


Ответ дал: natashamun94



is working

have been working

have been coocking

is coocking

has coocked


has been reading


has read

is reading

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