Please, помогите, срочно нужно!!!Поставить в Past Simple!!!
1. Why (he be) famous?
2.When and where (he be) born?
3.(he have) a happy childhood?
4.What (he achieve)?
5. (He get) married?
6.When and where (he die)?


Ответ дал: nunny

1. Why (was he ) famous?

2. When and where (was he) born?

3. (Did he have) a happy childhood?

4. What (did he achieve)?

5. (Did he get) married?

6. When and where (did he die)?

cavalli777: Благодарю!
cavalli777: А там разве в мужском роде не were?
Ответ дал: rostmostipan

1 Why he was famous ?

2 When and where he was born ?

3 Hased he a happy childhood ?

4 What he achieved ?

5 Getted he married ?

6 When and where he died ?

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