Cоставьте предложения используя глаголы в паст симл .

He/run/fast/and/catch/the bus /in time
your parents/give/you/a new tablet/for your birthday?
I / not know / that /Mr Smith/teach/at your school
Grace/ blow out/the candles/and / the guests/ sing /Happy Birthday
I / leave / my school bag / at your house / yesterday


Ответ дал: OVERLORD1111
He ran fast and catch the bus in the time.
Did your parents give you a new tablet for you birthday?
I didn't know that Mr Smith taech at your school.
Grace blew out the candles and the guests sing Happy Birthday.
I left my school bag at your house yesterday.

OVERLORD1111: Ой, в первом предложении catch надо поменять на caught, а в четвёртом там вместо sing надо поменять на sang.
maksimshapovalov200: спасибо
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