Решите пожалуйста, даю з4 балла



Ответ дал: keilaburks
1. Be careful! My son has just hurt his leg here!
2. He's coughing and sneezing so badly! Let him stay at home today!
3. In autumn she always suffers from a cold.
I see. Does she cough or sneeze?
4. Do you keep to any diet?
I do. I eat much vegetables and meat. And I don't eat cakes and sweets.
I see. And I eat everything I want, but I go in for sports regularly.

1. Where is the money?
2. No news is good news.
3. Thank you for your advice. It helped me much. - My pleasure.
4. She sees no progress. - But it's not true! There is some progress now!
5. This knowledge is enough to get a high mark. - I see.

1. I thought you had already left. > e
2. He thought nobody would help him. > a
3. I was sure the baby was sleeping. > b
4. We knew he was there. > d
5. I hoped you could do it better. > c

1. Sam said that he/she had seen her that day.
2. Tom said that he had read three books that month.
3. The Browns said that they had visited two countries that year.
4. Helen asked where I had been the day before.
5. Mr Harrison asked whether I had gone to London the previous week.
6. Simon asked if he had known my address.
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