Far eastern religions are not so well known in the western world. Confucianism was usually regarded as an official (1) …. of China until the revolution of 1911. It (2) … in China 2400 years ago. (3) … of being forgotten it still has a lot of (4) … nowadays. It’s (5) … was Kung-Fu-tse, a Chinese man. His teachings (6) … on the idea that happiness comes from the relationship between people. He also (7) … the worship of the ancestors from all the people to keep the old days unchanged. He believed that every man (8) … the goodness and could preserve it by living in harmony with the world. Confucius didn’t (9) … himself a god but many of his principles are considered (10) … Golden Rules by many people.

1. a) feast b) religion c) holiday
2. a) originated b) spread c) rose
3. a) despite b) even c ) in spite
4. a) disciples b) believers c) followers
5. a)founder b) seeker c ) executor
6. a) are revealed b) are based c) are confirmed
7. a) required b) claimed c) demanded
8. a) deserved b) required c) looked for
9. a) deny b) reveal c) claim
10. a) sacred b) dead c) original


Ответ дал: Aliya1430
1.b 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. a 6. b 7. b 8. a 9. c 10.a

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