плиз помогите срочно коротко, мне 13 желательно про заброшку.Зарание спасибо



Ответ дал: Minorix3
My summer was unforgettable. Most of all I was filled with one day.

I woke up early that morning. It was today that my friends and I were going to explore an abandoned building. I gathered all the necessary things: a flashlight, a camera, prepared sandwiches and tea, and went outside.
We were going to meet at the Park. That's where I went. Turns out my friends were waiting for me there. I greeted them and we went into the building.
The house looked very old. We walked in it for about half an hour, then we got bored and we went to the exit. We left the room, where old boxes were scattered, when suddenly the stairs collapsed in front of us with a huge roar. We screamed and ran out of the building.

I will never forget this day.

typaeee: спс
typaeee: это с переводчика чтоли
typaeee: напиши перевод пж
typaeee: перевод
typaeee: нужен очень сильно
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