...go to the usa and live with a host family for a year A EXCHANGE STUDENTS B BUSİNESSMEN C TOURİSTS D TEACHERS

adigozelovaelip51a24: ...go to the usa and live with a host family for a year A EXCHANGE STUDENTS B BUSİNESSMEN C TOURİSTS D TEACHERS
erikbragin0209: И,что тут сделать нужно?
adigozelovaelip51a24: на места точков нужна из етов вариантов поставит
adigozelovaelip51a24: In an exchange program, groups of people from different countries visit each other. They go to spend time in other countries, to study the language of the country and to make new friends. 2. In 1992 the US government passed a law. Under this law the US government started to offer scholarships to school students. These students go and live in the USA for a year.
adigozelovaelip51a24: They live with a host family. But they are not guests of the family, they become members of the family, just like the children and the parents of the family. 3. And they do not go there for a holiday, because while they are there they go to an American high school. They have to learn about the country and naturally they have to learn to speak English very well.
adigozelovaelip51a24: 4. You have to win a competition, then you can become an exchange student in the US. You have to take a test in English, and they choose only students who are good at English. Your teachers have to write about you and show that you are responsible, independent and cooperative. At the same time you must be fair, caring and honest, you must respect other people. When you come back, you can share with all your friends what you learned in the USA.
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