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Ответ дал: Maxim6091

1) The Americans like to change homes.

2) The Americans throw away old things.

3) The Englishman loves old things.

4) The Englishman is reserve

5) The Englishman keeps himself to himself

6) The Englishman doesn't ask personal questions.

7) The American likes to ask personal questions.

8) The Englishman prizes privacy

9) The American prefers sociability

10) The Englishman likes to be shut-off from his neighbours.

11) The Englishman's home is his castle

12) The American sociability goes with overhelming hospitality.

Ответ дал: Wqeka

The Americans like to change homes.

The Americans throw away old things.

The Englishman loves old things.

The Englishman is reserve.

The Englishman keeps himself to himself.

The Englishman doesn’t ask personal questions.

The American likes to ask personal questions.

The Englishman prizes privacy.

The American prefers sociability.

The Englishman likes to be shut off from his neighbours.

The Englishman’s home is his castle.

The American sociability goes with overwhelming hospitality.

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