write do/does,what/whya and answer the questions


Ответ дал: KaPanDaIII28

1-Does she like cats?

No she doest like cats

2-Do you know English?

No I dont know English

3-What do you now?

-I am playing computer games

KaPanDaIII28: Why she dont know the task?
KaPanDaIII28: ///Wht she doesnt know the task?
KaPanDaIII28: Because she didnt listen
tmajasarova850: ? не
tmajasarova850: where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain?
Ответ дал: 15122004

1.-Do you play basketball?

-Yes, but not often.

2.-Does he like cars?

-No, he doesn't.

3.-What is this?

-It is  a book.

3.-Why are you late today?

-Because I got up late.

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