My train ... in an hour.

 A) leaving

 B) is leaving

 C) will leave

 D) leaves

When ... Agatha Christie born?

 A) did

 B) was

 C) were

 D) has been

They decided to go ... a dangerous journey.

 A) on

 B) to

 C) onto

 D) into

A doctor is someone who ... people.

 A) treats

 B) gets sick

 C) falls ill

 D) prescribes

He ... an email at 6 o'clock yesterday.

 A) read

 B) readed

 C) was reading

 D) 'll read

If you ... more, you'll feel much better.

 A) exercising

 B) will exercise

 C) are exercise

 D) exercise

Does she like ... the Net?

 A) brewing

 B) pedaling

 C) crossing

 D) surfing

... you ever ... across a ghost?

 A) Did ... come

 B) Did ... came

 C) Have ... come

 D) Have ... came

Do you fancy going for a walk tonight?

 A) I agree!

 B) That's all right!

 C) Thanks, I'll be there!

 D) I'd love to!

Mark is ... photography.

 A) interesting at

 B) interested in

 C) interesting in

 D) interested with

You must ... a couple of souvenirs!

 A) buy

 B) to buy

 C) bought

 D) be bought

Frank is as ... Jim.

 A) clever than

 B) cleverer as

 C) cleverest than

 D) clever as

Alice looks ... and dances ... !

 A) good ... good

 B) well ... well

 C) well ... good

 D) good ... well

I ... a fan of Bruce Willis since 2005.

 A) was

 B) had been

 C) have been

 D) wasn't

That's rubbish! You've made it all ... !

 A) out

 B) up

 C) over

 D) on


Ответ дал: jakada45
I wrote the answers on paper.
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