Complete the questions with tag endings
1. Geogre didnt spend the summer in the country, .......
2.You cant repair the bike by yuorself, .....
3. Den and Tom will take part in competition,.....
4. Mr Brown gives a lot of homework,..............
помогите очень прошу пожалуйста)! :D


Ответ дал: CherryTheSweet
1. Geogre didn't spend the summer in the country,did he?
2.You can't repair the bike by yourself, can you?
3. Den and Tom will take part in competition, won't they?
4. Mr Brown gives a lot of homework, doesn't
Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка
1) Geogre didn't spend the summer in the country, did he?
2) You can't repair the bike by yourself, can you?
3) Den and Tom will take part in competition, won't they?
4) Mr Brown gives a lot of homework, doesn't

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