Раскройте скобки, употребив Present Perfect.
1. (go) Peter is not in . He ---to the pictures again.
2. (buy) Ann ----a new watch.
3. (not buy) They ---cigarettes for the last six months.
4. (talk) She ---about this film for weeks.
5. (tell) ---you ---Henry about the stolen money?
6. (bring) ---they ---their friends with them?
7. (visit) he ---Tom twice.
8. (begin) ---you ---your work yet?
9. (tell) She ---him the whole story?
10. (bring) Who ---you home?
11. (cook) Since his wife left him, he – his own breakfast


Ответ дал: lisagus2309

1. has gone

2. has bought

3. have not bought

4. has talked

5. have you told

6. have they brought

7. has visited

8. have not you begun your work yet?

9. has she told him the whole story?

10. has brought

11. has cooked

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