30 баллов даю

1. Fill in: reliable, stubborn, shy, selfish, patient, sociable, shrugged, clenched, pessimistic, insincere.

1. Dave is a very _____________ and blushes when strangers talk to him.

2. Carol didn’t answer, she just __________ her shoulders instead.

3. Kathie is very ___________. She won’t let you down.

4. Mark doesn’t get angry easily. He’s very ___________

5. He was so angry, he __________his fists tightly.

6. Listen to me! Don’t be so ____________

7. Liza has many friends because she is very_____________

8. A ___________ person doesn’t care about other people’s feelings.

9. Don’t believe everything Bill says. He’s a bit __________

10. ____________ people always see negative side of things.

2. Put the verbs in the correct form of the verb.

I ___________ (go) jogging every morning.

I’m tired. I __________ (not / sleep) yet.

My brother always __________ (wear) my clothes.

Why _________ (you / look) at me now?

How often __________ ( you /have) English lessons?

The children are dirty. They _____________ (play) football since morning.

We can’t buy the tickets. We ________ (already / spend) all our money.

I _______ (cook) a cake when he _______ (come) back home yesterday.

I _______ (live) in Brazil two years ago.

It’s hot. I __________ (open) the window.

3. Form adjectives from the following words.

logic –

confuse –

fame –

effect –

fool –

4. Fill in the preposition:

He isn't patient _____ stubborn people.

She's excellent _____ maths.

She is very close _____ her mom.

You shouldn't be jealous _____ your sister.

Fill in: along, across, down, over, over with

When the weather gets me _______, I like to fantasize about being a wizard to make the sun shining.

Do you feel like you can't get your ideas _______?

I'd like to get my project _______.

Peter couldn't get _______the fact that in spite of the accident he got no harm.

My brother gets _______well with everybody.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211


1. Dave is very shy and blushes when strangers talk to him.

2. Carol didn’t answer, she just shrugged her shoulders instead.

3. Kathie is very reliable. She won’t let you down.

4. Mark doesn’t get angry easily. He’s very patient.

5. He was so angry, he clenched his fists tightly.

6. Listen to me! Don’t be so stubborn.

7. Liza has many friends because she is very sociable.

8. A selfish person doesn’t care about other people’s feelings.

9. Don’t believe everything Bill says. He’s a bit insincere.

10. Pessimistic people always see negative side of things.


2. Put the verbs in the correct form of the verb.

I go jogging every morning.

I’m tired. I haven't slept yet.

My brother always wears my clothes.

Why are you looking at me now?

How often do you have English lessons?

The children are dirty. They have been playing football since morning.

We can’t buy the tickets. We have already spent all our money.

I was cooking a cake when he came back home yesterday.

I lived in Brazil two years ago.

It’s hot. I'll open the window.


3. Form adjectives from the following words.

logic –  logical

confuse –  confusing

fame –  famous

effect –  effective

fool –  foolish


4. Fill in the preposition:

He isn't patient with stubborn people.

She's excellent at maths.

She is very close to her mom.

You shouldn't be jealous of your sister.

5. Fill in: along, across, down, over, over with

When the weather gets me down, I like to fantasize about being a wizard to make the sun shining.

Do you feel like you can't get your ideas across?

I'd like to get my project over with.

Peter couldn't get over the fact that in spite of the accident he got no harm.

My brother gets on well with everybody.

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