Write these verbs in past simple
1. Found 2. appear 3. move 4. change 5. understand 6. extend 7. take 8. miss 9. tell 10. turn 11. buy 12. come 13. go 14. bring 15. send


Ответ дал: Feba2018

1 Founded 2 Appeared 3 Changed 4 Understood 5 extended 6 took 8 missed 9 told 10 turned 11 buyed 12 came 13 went 14 brang 15 sent

mkarbushev: Огромное спасибо!
cerisenoir13: You have 2 mistakes
Feba2018: 3 -moved пропустила
Feba2018: 14 brought (неправильный глагол)
cerisenoir13: you know it. Why do you ask us for this exercise?
cerisenoir13: exactly
cerisenoir13: Do you know physics well?
Ответ дал: cerisenoir13
founded, appeared, moved, changed, understood, extended, took, told, missed, turned, came, went, sent,
wright answers are brought and bought. (bring and buy)
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