6. Today I am ... than yesterday.
a) busy b) busier c) most busy d) busiest
7. This is ... hospital I hаvе ever seen.
a) the best b) the goodest c) better d) the most good
8. He did not have ... money to spend on medicines.
a) little b) much c) many d) most
9. I have not got ... time, but I shall try to help you.
a) many b) little c) much d) less
10. The exam was ... than we had expected.
a) more easier b) the easiest c) easy d) easier


Ответ дал: melineenglish

6.Today I am busier than yesterday.

7.This is the best hospital I have ever seen.

8.He didn't have much money to spend on medicines.

9.I have not got much time, but I shall try to help you.

10.The exam was easier than I expected.

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