1. My sister ... (do) her homework since morning.
2. ... (you/ever/eat) Thait food?
3. Kate ... (cook) dinner. She is cleaning the flat now.
4. My brother ... (work) in the garden since morning.

1. Can I help you?
2. Cloud you change these shoes, please?
3. Are you being served?
4. Do you like to try this dress on?
A) No, I am trying to find a coat, size 42.
B) No, thank you, I’m just looking around.
C) Yes, it’s a lovely dress.
D) Why do you want to change them?


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. My sister has been doing her homework since morning.

2. Have you ever eaten Thai food?

3. Kate has cooked dinner. She is cleaning the flat now.

4. My brother has been working in the garden since morning.

1. Can I help you? - B) No, thank you, I’m just looking around.

2. Could you change these shoes, please? - D) Why do you want to change them?

3. Are you being served? - A) No, I am trying to find a coat, size 42.

4. Do you like to try this dress on? - C) Yes, it’s a lovely dress.

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