умоляю помогите!!!!!!!



Ответ дал: oksanapolulih


3)Was Paul called you this morning

b)yes he called while i was had breakfast

4)Was tracy at work today

No she wasnt went to work.She was ill

5)How was fast you drive when was the police stoped you

b)Im not sure but i wasnt drive very fast

6)Was your team wonthe football match yesterday

b)The weather was very bad so we werent play

7)How was your break the window

b)We were played football.I was kicked the ball and it hited the window

8)Were you saw Jessica last night

b)Yes she was weared a very nice jacket

9)What were you do at 2 oclock this morning

b)I was sleep

10I was losed my key last night

b)How were you got into you room

a)I was climbed in trough a window

Фух я дуже старався удачі з англіської ))

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