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Mum: Emma, I'd like a word with you.
Emma: Oh, Mum! What have I done this time?
Mum: Just look at the state of your bedroom! You shouldn't have left it like that. Can't you tidy up?
Emma: But, Mum, I'm doing my homework now. I can clean up later.
Mum: That's what you always say, Emma! You treat this place like a hotel!
Emma: But, Mom, I'm so busy right now.
Mum: Well, you're not the only one in this house who's busy, young lady! I work all day and then I come home and cook dinner and do all the housework. I'm not your slave, you know!
Emma: good...your point is also true. Look, Mum, I'm REALLY sorry. How can I make it up to you?
Mum: Well, you can start by tidying up this mess!
Emma: OK, Mum! And then I can lend a hand in cooking dinner.
Mum: Now, that's better! Thank you!


Ответ дал: hollok

Elsa: John, clean up house, please.

John: Hah, I've done this just now.

John: Can I help something else you?

Elsa: Thanks, of course, but I can do the rest myself.

John: Wonderful! Then I'm going to bed.


Эльза: Джон, уберись в доме, пожалуйста.

Джон: Хах, я только что это сделал.

Джон: Могу ли я помочь тебе чем-то ещё?

Эльза: Спасибо, конечно, но я в силах сама справиться с остальным.

Джон: Замечательно! Тогда я пойду спать.

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